Saturday, 24 September 2016

Song Pitch Feedback

Pressure This first song is by Tensnake. Its duration is 2 minutes 54 seconds. The feedback we got from this song was very positive. Everyone enjoyed listening to the song when we played it. Everyone started to dance and move with the beat. We were singing alone as we knew the words. The class said the song was different to any other groups choice. Also it as different compared to other music videos we had already seen. The group said it should be colourful and happy. A lot of dancing about. Our teacher said we should look at 70s videos and maybe base our idea around this. Maybe involve us in suits and older style clothing and props. Not edgy though.

Limits Lie
This song is by Jamie T. It duration is 4 minutes and 11 seconds. Everyone again liked this song choice and thought we could make a good video out of it. The song is a lot slower and less happy than pressure. Secondly people said it would of got boring later on in the video as the tempo stays the same throughout the video. People still said the song would of matched our actor by doing many close ups of lip syncing. This  would of looked good. However everyone still had the first song in mind while listening to this one as it is catchy and happy an they enjoyed it more. This song would of been a bit more edgy. More ideas where darker shots with close ups. Also a story being told and cut to in-between the shots of the artist lip syncing. At this stage people where certain we was going to do pressure as the majority preferred that

He is the same
This song is by John Bellion. The duration of the song is 4 minutes and 1 second. The artist is America therefore you can tell this in the lip syncing and the locations we would shoot wouldn't look like was in America and would look very English. Also the lip syncing may of not matched. This song is up beat again and the feedback we got was positive again. Everyone liked each of our choices. This was different again to the other two we had decided. The ideas put forward was a sound board being played with in time with the beats a the start having a dark room with the sound board lighting up and then a silhouette of a hand moving about the board. Also it sounded quite futuristic. Also a split screen when the artists voice is being used for more than one of the sounds. Finally it has swearing involved which the teacher didn't agree with. However we had to decide in the end and everyone was still telling us to do pressure.

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