Here are a couple of student music videos which i thought were successful.
Do My Thing
This music video is great from an editing perspective. There are hundreds of cuts, different cut screens and different frame sizes to add variety. The performance is also very good from both girls. The dancing is also very good and the lip-sinking is pretty much perfect. My favorite part of the video is where there is a four way split screen during a music interlude and each square changes to a shot of the second girl.
He Wasn't There
This is my favourite video out of the ones which i have seen. The performance from the girl is really stylish and likeable. The video appears as one continuous shot which is really creative but you can see that all of the editing effort was exchanged for Mise En Scene. The props are all extremely detailed and play a great part in setting the tone for the video. I also like how the girl changes outfits quickly to show the time passing. The lip syncing is also great.
Student video marking has to be against the mark scheme. Change title to student music video marking and add the mark scheme also.