Monday, 30 January 2017

Final Video

This is the completed Avenue -Monday Morning music video.


This is our completed Digipak.

This is the final digipack that I created for our band. Working from the feedback from the class I made the top and bottom half look like the same digigpack with a colour theme, not make the design of it all indie or dark (just my personal style coming through) and designing something that actually works for the bands image and brand.

For the background I used a still from the video of the blue sky hence the slight gradient of lighter blue to darker blue, this immediately gave the digipack an energy that it didn't have before and a more vibrant visual - just like the band has.

I then went on to use the bands colours across the whole digipack, something that we created early on within the project was for each man in the band to have their own colour representing them and that can spread across all the media for the band.

These colours are clearly displayed straight away as representing the individual members of the band on the front cover as the colour of their handprint faces is the only colour on them. This edit on the bandmates was done two different ways, Olly and JK's (right and centre) were done on Premiere Pro in the edit, using the video effect "Leave Colour" and then playing with the effect settings to find what worked for that frame. Harry (Left) was more difficult to get a clean distinguishing blue against grey, his skin colour still coming though in places I think because of lighting being different across the face. So what I did was duplicate the layer of the image on Photoshop and then turn one layer Black and White while the original image layer underneath remained in colour and then I used the "Background Eraser" tool, whilst the black and white layer was selected, to erase the black and white filter/layer on the hand print on the face to reveal the coloured handprint. I then merged the layers so I could select Harry's head and shoulders to copy him over to the front cover.


 Link :::  The Official Avenue Website

Evaluation Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Evaluation Question 4: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Our music video was aimed at all the teen ages and can range up to low 20's. We also showed people that where of a higher age range and most enjoyed to view out video. so there is a big range that it can appeal to. We found the range we aimed at was a classic pop and dance age range.also similar songs and artists have the same sort of age range.

Below is a presentation showing examples of our primary and secondary audience:

Near the end of November to start of December we finished our first draft of our music video and we got feedback on the viewing which helped us develop out music video further and move out the bad parts and add in new improved parts. We had a clear idea what we need to improve before our final piece was presented and finalised.

This is some of the feedback we received...

From this feedback we decided to make a few changes with the out of focus shot being replaced by the folder and coffee cup hitting the floor. We corrected the camera shaking by editing it on premier also the end shot was.
We also got feedback of ur digipack..Here is some of the feedback we got (hover over image then over the red and white circles).

We knew that we needed to change a few parts as the top and bottom do not look like they belong together.

This is our final digipack... as you can see it is a huge change from the first draft as we needed to create more synergy.

We also got a focus group to view our music video. Here it is...

I created a questionnaire for people to answer after a screening. These are a few of the results and a few watching our video...

This is feedback from a ex GBHS media student who is now involved in the music industry...
Avenue - Monday Morning (Final) – A really clear beginning middle and end. A well thought out video with endearing performances from the band with great lip-sync and fun energy. The comedy was well balanced and the video continued to develop as new scenes played out, helping to drive the story through.

I also created a survey for people to give more detailed responses... I also sent it our to more people as it was easier to access them through email.

Here is the responses a collected...

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This is some feedback from fellow media students. The questioned i ask throughout are shown before the people answer them. We learned that some shots are not liked and feel out of place. For example the forest shots. A few people said that this could be changed.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Arangement of my Blog

I wanted my blog to match all my music video, website and Digipak to continue with the synergy throughout this project. In order to do so i have continued the colour scheme which is found in all of the other platforms. I have used green as the main colour which is found in the title and on the links in each post this was because in the band green was my colour. I have also used blue and red in the other links to continue this theme. I have also used a photograph of the band in the background of the blog this is to continue this synergy and to immediately show the band. Which this project was about. I used a low opacity blog background to the background image of the group members. I have also used labels to make things easier to find.